My experience with BasisBoard has been, so far, the most impacful one in my career. As being the first Front-end engineer to join the team, I had the unique chance to single handedly dictate the techincal direction of all Basis' web-apps front-end code.

While working for BasisBoard, I built, from the ground up, a CRM web-app, focused on the construction industry.

Although the user base wasn't exactly large, the app has quite a few complex concepts within it. It allows users to visualize different data types (projects, companies, contacts, tasks, quotes...), and also allows the users to do so in different ways (tables, calendars, kanban boards).

It also has a analytics dashboard, that shows admin users some relevant insights on their team, company and partners.

Initially, the development process was very focused on shipping features to the core product. However, over time, I managed to focus on improving the architecture of the codebase, creating a mono repository for a total of three different web-apps (core, auth and onboarding). All these apps would use a common dependency for the react components, a custom design system that was implemented using styled-components and styled-system.

There was a lot of data going around the application, and, to manage the state of the application I used a custom state management solution, which I named singletn.

Product BasisBoard
Duration Apr 2020 - Sep 2022
Description Automated bid tracking system & analytics platform for construction industry. CRM built for Subcontractors, suppliers, and material vendors.
Role Lead Front-end engineer
Technologies Used react, styled-components, styled-system, @singletn/react-singletn, lerna, monorepo, react-beautiful-dnd, storybook.